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Share Your Camp Story

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This pandemic is a pivotal point for many organizations and individuals. As benefactors of the good work God continues to accomplish through Lutheran outdoor ministry, we want to not only look forward to what God might do in coming years, but we also want to remember and celebrate how good God has been through the years. We want to give you the opportunity to share your own camp story and, in so doing, ensure outdoor ministry remains a faithful steward of the Gospel message for years to come. Consider one of the following writing prompts to get you started.

comment-alt-question Recall a time of growth.
comment-alt-question Consider a future without camp ministry.
comment-alt-question Give thanks again for some answered prayer.
comment-alt-question Rejoice in some camp friendship.
comment-alt-question Share of God’s Word at work in your life.
comment-alt-question How has camp influenced the course of your life?